Explore Annotations for CS Concept
Impacts of Computing
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Culture and Diversity (1)
K.IC.C.01 Use grade-level appropriate language to identify and describe how people use a variety of technologies and applications in their daily work and personal lives. Annotation K.IC.C.01
1.IC.C.01 Use grade-level appropriate language to identify and describe how people use a variety of technologies and applications in their daily work and personal lives. Annotation 1.IC.C.01
2.IC.C.01 Use grade-level appropriate language to identify and describe how people use a variety of technologies and applications in their daily work and personal lives and the impact of new technologies on daily life. Annotation 2.IC.C.01
3.IC.C.01 Identify how different technologies created by people from diverse backgrounds have contributed to computing and helped to change the world. Annotation 3.IC.C.01
4.IC.C.01 Summarize how different technologies created by people from diverse backgrounds have contributed to computing and helped to change the world. Annotation 4.IC.C.01
5.IC.C.01 Evaluate how different technologies created by people from diverse backgrounds have contributed to computing and helped to change the world. Annotation 5.IC.C.01
6. IC.C.01 Identify tradeoffs associated with computing technologies that affect people’s everyday activities and future opportunities (e.g., college acceptances, career choices that include security clearances). Annotation 6.IC.C.01
7. IC.C.01 Explain how computing impacts people’s everyday activities, career options, and diversity in innovation in computing and non-computing fields. Annotation 7.IC.C.01
8. IC.C.01 Compare the tradeoffs associated with computing concepts (e.g., automation, communication, privacy, cybersecurity), explaining their effects on economics and global societies. Annotation 8.IC.C.01
Culture and Diversity (2)
Not addressed at grades K-2
3. IC.C.02 Identify potential problems that limit accessibility/usability and how computing devices have built-in features to increase accessibility for all users. Annotation 3.IC.C.02
4. IC.C.02 Brainstorm solutions to improve accessibility/usability and ways computing could be improved to increase accessibility for all users. Annotation 4.IC.C.02
5. IC.C.02 Develop, test, and refine computational artifacts to improve accessibility and usability for all users. Annotation 5.IC.C.02
6. IC.C.02 Identify issues of bias and accessibility that occur in the design of existing computing technologies. Annotation 6.IC.C.02
7. IC.C.02 Explain issues of bias and accessibility that occur in the design of existing computing technologies and describe the role and responsibility of a designer in reducing bias. Annotation 7.IC.C.02
8. IC.C.02 Analyze issues of bias and accessibility that occur in the design of everyday computing technologies, the role and responsibility of the designer, and make recommendations for how these issues could be rectified to reduce bias. Annotation 8.IC.C.02
Social Interactions (1)
K.IC.SI.01 Identify appropriate and safe behaviors when participating online. Annotation K.IC.SI.01
1.IC.SI.01 Identify and describe appropriate and inappropriate behaviors when participating online. Annotation 1.IC.SI.01
2.IC.SI.01 Develop a code of conduct and explain responsible practices when participating online. Practice the code of conduct and identify and report inappropriate behavior. Annotation 2.IC.SI.01
3.IC.SI.01 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice grade-level appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating online. Annotation 3.IC.SI.01
4.IC.SI.01 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice grade-level appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating online. Annotation 4.IC.SI.01
5.IC.SI.01 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice grade-level appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating online. Annotation 5.IC.SI.01
6. IC.SI.01 Describe and use safe, appropriate, and responsible practices when participating online (e.g., discussion groups, blogs, social networking sites) to maintain a clean record for post-secondary choices that require security clearances and background checks. Annotation 6.IC.SI.01
7. IC.SI.01 Individually and collaboratively use advanced tools to design and create online content (e.g., digital portfolio, multimedia, blog, webpage). Annotation 7.IC.SI.01
8. IC.SI.01 Communicate and publish key ideas and details individually or collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains using a variety of digital tools and media-rich resources. Annotation 8.IC.SI.01
Social Interactions (2)
Not addressed in grades K-2 or 6-8.
3.IC.SI.02 Identify how computing devices and computational products have been, or can be, improved by incorporating diverse perspectives. Annotation 3.IC.SI.02
4.IC.SI.02 Discuss ways existing devices or computational products can be improved by collaborating with peers to gain their diverse perspectives. Annotation 4.IC.SI.02
5.IC.SI.02 Discuss ways existing computing devices or computational products can be improved by collaborating with outside resources (other grade-levels, businesses) to gain their diverse perspectives. Annotation 5.IC.SI.02
Safety, Law, & Ethics
K.IC.SLE.01 Keep login information private and log off devices appropriately. Annotation K.IC.SLE.01
1.IC.SLE.01 Keep login information private and log off devices appropriately. Annotation 1.IC.SLE.01
2.IC.SLE.01 Keep login information private and log off devices appropriately. Annotation 2.IC.SLE.01
3.IC.SLE.01 Introduce intellectual property concepts and identify types of digital data (music, videos, photos) that may have intellectual property rights preventing copying and/or requiring attribution Annotation 3.IC.SLE.01
4.IC.SLE.01 Observe intellectual property law and give appropriate credit when using resources. Annotation 4.IC.SLE.01
5.IC.SLE.01 Discuss personal consequences and social impact of violating intellectual property rights or failing to provide appropriate attribution. Annotation 5.IC.SLE.01
6. IC.SLE.01 Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate content on the internet, and identify unethical and illegal online behavior and consequences. Annotation 6.IC.SLE.01
7. IC.SLE.01 Explain the connection between the longevity of data on the internet, personal online identity, and personal privacy. Annotation 7.IC.SLE.01
8. IC.SLE.01 Discuss the social impacts and ethical considerations associated with cybersecurity, including the positive and malicious purposes of hacking. Annotation 8.IC.SLE.01