Maryland Center for Computing Education (MCCE)


Maryland Preservice Computer Science Teacher Education Program


The purpose of this competitive grant program is to expand teacher candidates’ access to high-quality computing education. Access strengthens the computing education content, skills, and pedagogy of educators, and increase the number of teachers prepared to teach computing education concepts through the development of preservice programs and professional development of education faculty at the institution.

 The grant program supports the development within preservice courses and pathways to implement and support the Maryland K-12 Computer Science standards. The essential topics constituting the core elements of computing education for preservice teachers in Maryland include:

  1. Teach computer science (CS) content knowledge, focused on Maryland’s K-12 Computer Science Standards including hands-on computing, integrated activities, CS pathways, and emerging technologies.

  2. Introduce CS pedagogy and methods.


  • Maryland Preservice Computing Education Teacher Preparation Program RFP Issued

  • Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. EST.

  • Grant award notification

    • Grants ranging from $5,000 to $49,999 will be awarded.

    • Payment of awarded funds will follow award notification

  • A representative from each grant project should plan to attend the virtual Maryland Preservice CS Education Intensive session and prepare a 15–20-minute summary update of the funded grant to share with Intensive participants.

  • Grant project end date

  • Final report, expenditure report, and unexpended funds due