Explore Annotations for CS Concept
Networks and the Internet
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Network Communication and Organization
K.NI.NCO.01 Recognize that basic computing devices and components can be connected to one another. Annotation K.NI.NCO.01
1.NI.NCO.01 Recognize that computing devices can be connected through physical or wireless pathways. Annotation 1.NI.NCO.01
2.NI.NCO.01 Recognize that by connecting computing devices together they can share information (e.g., printers, scanners, internet, display devices). Annotation 2.NI.NCO.01
3.NI.NCO.01 Recognize how information is sent and received over physical and wireless pathways. Annotation 3.NI.NCO.01
4.NI.NCO.01 Summarize how information is sent and received over physical and wireless pathways (e.g., information is deconstructed in smaller pieces called packets, transmitted to final destination, and reassembled). Annotation 4.NI.NCO.01
5.NI.NCO.01 Model how information is deconstructed into packets (smaller pieces), transmitted through multiple devices over the internet and networks, and reassembled at the final destination. Annotation 5.NI.NCO.01
6.NI.NCO.01 Model a simple protocol for transferring information, using packets, across networks and the internet. Annotation 6.NI.NCO.01
7. NI.NCO.01 Explain and model the process to replace lost packets using a protocol for information transfer. Annotation 7.NI.NCO.01
8. NI.NCO.01 Model and explain how data is sent using protocols to choose the fastest pathway, to deal with missing information, and to deliver data securely. Annotation 8.NI.NCO.01
Cybersecurity (1)
K.NI.C.01 Identify and use passwords and discuss why they are not shared with others. Annotation K.NI.C.01
1.NI.C.01 Recognize what passwords are, why they are used, and why they are not shared. Annotation 1.NI.C.01
2.NI.C.01 Identify differences between strong and weak passwords and explain the importance of choosing strong passwords to protect devices and information from unauthorized users. Annotation 2.NI.C.01
3.NI.C.01 Discuss basic issues that relate to responsible use of computing devices and describe consequences of inappropriate use in a variety of locations. Annotation 3.NI.C.01
4.NI.C.01 Identify problems that relate to unsecure networks and inappropriate use of computing devices and potential subsequent consequences. Annotation 4.NI.C.01
5.NI.C.01 Define personal identifiable information (e.g., digital footprint) and why it should be protected as related to real-world cyber security problems. Annotation 5.NI.C.01
6.NI.C.01 Identify existing cybersecurity concerns with the internet, its connected devices (i.e. IoT) and the systems it uses. Annotation 6.NI.C.01
7.NI.C.01 Explain how to protect electronic information using both physical and digital measures; explain existing cybersecurity concerns with the internet and the systems it uses. Annotation 7.NI.C.01
8.NI.C.01 Evaluate physical and digital security measures that have been developed and implemented to protect electronic information; discuss the impacts of hacking, ransomware, scams, and ethical/legal concerns. Annotation 8.NI.C.01
Cybersecurity (2)
Not addressed at grades K-4 or 6-8.
5.NI.C.02 Discuss real-world cybersecurity problems and explain how personal information can be protected (e.g., antivirus software, backing up data, strong passwords). Annotation5.NI.C.02.pdf