Maryland Public School District Grant Guidelines
Grants are available on a rolling basis. Please plan between 6-12 months of activities for a grant request period.
Districts need to submit a list of how funding will be used, goals to be met, timeline and budget.
Final reports are due within 30 days of the close of the grant. Extensions and modifications can be requested.
GOAL: Prepare teachers and teacher leaders to expand access and provide quality computer cience experiences.
Review resources, meet with district teams, and make short and long term plans
Submit data showing access and equity in CS for your district
Overall Goals and Guidelines:
GOAL #1: EVERY high school (HS) offers CS
GOAL #2: The diversity of students taking CS classes matches the diversity of students in the district
GOAL #3: Well rounded middle schools (MS) include CS experience and exposure for all students. Content is aligned to what is offered in HS.
GOAL #4: Cover the MD CS standards with equity for all students across K-12. Content is aligned to what is offered in MS.
NOTE: If applying for Goal #3, you must address the 2 above as well: does every high school offer CS classes? If not, what is your plan to achieve that requirement? Are the students taking HS CS representing a diverse cross-section of your population? If not, how are you addressing that problem? To apply for funding for Goal #4 you must address the 3 other goals.
Please provide:
Actionable and measureable plans for the current school year
A timeline of what will happen and who is in charge of that step and who will participate
A budget as a spreadsheet that tells: activity, description dates, number of people participating, cost per person, total cost
Funds are for:
PD costs, subs to attend PD, stipends, growing facilitators, mentoring, broadening participation, and planning
Support to send members of your active SCRIPT team to the MD CS Summit
Indirect costs can NOT be charged to the grant funds
No more than 10% of funds can be toward equipment and
ONLY equipment that is associated with PD can be funded.
Deliverables for final grant report
Summary of funds spent with reflection
Specific data on what CS is in every school
Specific data on what students are taking CS with demographics for MS/HS
Narrative of goals accomplished
Final report due within 30 days of end of grant