First Grade CS Standards and Annotations
Computing Systems
1.CS.D.01 Select and operate the appropriate application/software to perform a variety of tasks or obtain a desired outcome. Annotation 1.CS.D.01
Hardware and Software
1.CS.HS.01 Identify and describe functions of common computing devices and external hardware (e.g., mobile devices, desktop computer, laptop computer, mouse, keyboard, printer, wearables). Annotation 1.CS.HS.01
1.CS.T.01 Identify and communicate basic hardware and software problems that may occur during use (e.g., application/program not working correctly, no sound coming from device, caps lock turned on), using appropriate technical terminology. Annotation 1.CS.T.01
Networks and the Internet
Network Communication and Organization
1.NI.NCO.01 Recognize that computing devices can be connected through physical or wireless pathways. Annotation 1.NI.NCO.01
1.NI.C.01 Recognize what passwords are, why they are used, and why they are not shared. Annotation 1.NI.C.01
Data Analysis
1.DA.S.01 Identify, access, modify, and save an existing file with a computing device. Annotation 1.DA.S..01
Collection, Visualization, & Transformation
1.DA.CVT.01 With guidance, collect and organize data. Present data effectively in two different ways. Annotation 1.DA.CVT.01
Inference & Models
1.DA.IM.01 With guidance, identify, interpret, and analyze data from a chart or graphical display (visualization) in order to make a prediction, with or without a computing device Annotation 1.DA.IM.01
Algorithms and Programming
1.AP.A.01 Model daily processes and follow basic algorithms (step-by-step lists of instructions) to complete tasks verbally, kinesthetically, via a programming language, or using a device. Annotation 1.AP.A.01
1.AP.V.01 With guidance, model the way programs store and manipulate grade-level data by using numbers or other symbols to represent information (e.g., encode or decode words using numbers, pictographs or symbols to letters, words, or direction). Annotation 1.AP.V.01
1.AP.C.01 With guidance, create programs by using creative expression or problem solving, to accomplish tasks that include sequencing and repetition. Programming languages, robot devices, or unplugged activity can serve as the means. Annotation 1.AP.C.01
Modularity--not addressed at this level
Program Development
1. AP.PD.01 Create a grade-level appropriate document to illustrate thoughts, ideas, or stories in a sequential manner (e.g., storyboard, story map, sequential graphic organizer). Annotation 1.AP.PD.01
1.AP.PD.02 Give attribution to ideas, solutions, and creations of others, verbally, or written, while writing or developing algorithms and programs. Annotation 1.AP.PD.02
1.AP.PD.03 Identify and correct errors (debug) in programs which include sequencing and repetition to accomplish a task, through a variety of techniques and strategies that could include an unplugged activity (e.g., changing order or sequence, following steps, trial and error). Annotation 1.AP.PD.03
1.AP.PD.04 Use correct terminology (e.g., beginning, middle, end, etc.) and explain choices made during the development of an algorithm and/or program to solve a simple problem. Annotation 1.AP.PD.04
Impacts of Computing
Culture and Diversity
1.IC.C.01 Use grade-level appropriate language to identify and describe how people use a variety of technologies and applications in their daily work and personal lives. Annotation 1.IC.C.01
Social Interactions
1.IC.SI.01 Identify and describe appropriate and inappropriate behaviors when participating online. Annotation 1.IC.SI.01
Safety, Law, & Ethics
1.IC.SLE.01 Keep login information private and log off devices appropriately. Annotation 1.IC.SLE.01