MCCE Mentor Program and New Teacher Support

Are you teaching a new computer science class? Would you like to join a group of peers with an experienced teacher who can provide ideas, resources, help, and support? Sign up to connect with a mentor, join monthly support sessions, or just in time session by class. 


Connect with an experienced teacher who will answer your questions by email and meet with you if needed to help you work through any problems in the beginning of the year. Register to be matched with a mentor using this form.

Mentors available for: 

  1. CS Discoveries

  2. AP CS-Principles

  3. Python Programming

  4. Scratch Programming

  5. some middle and elementary school CS

Once you complete the application, you will receivie a confirmation email with an assigned mentor. 

Mentors can help with:

  1. understanding the content, finding resources

  2. pacing and timing of course curriculum

  3. grading and student assessment

  4. differentiation

Are you an experienced CS teacher who is good at explaining things and supporting others who are new to this area? Complete the application form if you are an experienced lead teacher for a CS course you have taught for at least 2 years and would like to be a mentor. Mentors will be assigned small groups or individuals to mentor depending on the demand. Mentors will be paid per hour.

Note: all mentoring is online unless mentor and mentee choose to meet in person. Apply to become a mentor! 


Check the professional development pages for monthly meetup options. 


Sessions are hosted at the beginning of each semester to help you get your class set up, gain access to all of the online materials, and go over the first unit of each course. Reach out to your district CS Supervisor or email mcce at usmd dot edu to get a schedule of available sessions.

Are you interested in becoming a mentor for others? Reach out to your distict central office CS specialist to recommend you to MCCE.