Online resources for AP CS teachers
The CS-P exam will have NO multiple-choice exam, students will send in their performance tasks electronically. Submissions must be received by May 26. If you were using a programming language that is not supported by the devices students have at home (phones, tablet, Chromebooks, etc.) then consider using, or CodeHS, which are both free
The CS-A exam will only cover units 1-7 (excluding 8-10) and be ONLINE this year with 2 choices of testing date for students. In addition, the college board will provide online study resources.
Supporting students without online resources
If your students need mobile tools or connectivity, you can reach out to the College Board directly to let them know.
Bits and bytes has free paper packets for csa and csp
Do you need online meeting capabilities?
Many online platforms are offering free teacher accounts. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR DISTRICT POLICIES about online meetings and student privacy.
You can possibly use Google Hangouts, Google Meet, Microsoft TEAMS, Zoom, WebEx, Skype, and others.
Teaching resources
Bits and bytes has free paper packets for csa and csp
CSTA offers a list of resources as well
The College Board offers webinars and the online question banks.
Create task: Consider using if you're using Python or Java, and, or CodeHS, which are both free
Although there is no multiple-choice exam this year, these make great assignments for students
Consider using or CodeHS, which are both free and allow students to program from a variety of devices.
Highly Recommended: Use CSAwesome. To learn more, watch this video about the free CSAwesome Runestone instructor features with these slides that cover making a custom course, checking student progress, making assignments, and grading. There is also a lot of help on this on the and runestone instructor guide sites, but this puts everything together in 1 video with specific tips for CSAwesome. is providing resources to support all of their classes
Need some help and suggestions from experienced teachers? Join the MCCE Mentor program to talk with another teacher in the state about preparing your students for the AP CS exams. (coming soon)
Creating collaborative assignments
Do you want to collaborate with others who are also developing resources for remote teaching? Sign up using your school email address and we will create collaborative workgroups so teachers don’t all have to create alone
Additional resources
CSTA curated resources for online teaching and teaching about coronavirus
This resource is constantly being updated with, join the FaceBook group for more info
Article on integrating CS into your plans