Scratch Encore

By CanonLab

Scratch Encore! is an intermediate, 2-year middle-school Scratch curriculum with equity as a primary design consideration that integrates the latest understandings of learning, engagement, and identity research on teaching diverse populations. Scratch Encore is designed to support various enactments of culturally responsive instruction and provides multiple pathways into the content to support students with differing levels of prior experience. Each computing concept in Scratch Encore can be taught using one of three themes: youth culture, multicultural, or gaming; this allows teachers to decide how they want to introduce each concept to their students.  Scratch Encore is a fully featured curriculum and includes lesson plans, starter Scratch projects, worksheets, assessments, and teacher support materials. The curriculum is organized into 15 modules of 2-3 lessons each, intended to be completed across multiple school years. Finally, Scratch Encore is 100% FREE to use. 

Grade Level: 4-8

Use this in the classroom:

Three modules to introduce Events:



Youth Culture

Access the Scratch Encore modules and resources by creating a free teacher account. Teachers are asked to sign in to access the resources; this is because it is a research project and allows the developers to alert users to updates.