Sixth Grade CS Standards and Annotations

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Computing Systems

  •   Devices

    • 6.CS.D.01 Evaluate existing computing devices and make recommendations for improvements to design based on analysis of personal interactions and how others interact with the devices. Annotation 6.CS.D.01

  •  Hardware and Software 

    • 6.CS.HS.01 Identify ways that hardware and software are combined and work synchronously to collect, store, retrieve, and exchange data. Annotation.6.CS.HS.01

  •   Troubleshooting

    • 6.CS.T.01 Troubleshoot problems with computing devices and networked components (e.g. peripherals, routers, cables, etc.). Annotation 6.CS.T.01

Networks and the Internet

  • Network Communication and Organization

    • 6.NI.NCO.01 Model a simple protocol for transferring information, using packets, across networks and the internet. Annotation 6.NI.NCO.01

  • Cybersecurity

    • 6.NI.C.01 Identify existing cybersecurity concerns with the internet, its connected devices (i.e. IoT) and the systems it uses. Annotation 6.NI.C.01

Data Analysis

  • Storage

    • 6.DA.S.01 Identify multiple encoding schemes that can be used to represent the same data. Annotation 6.DA.S.01

  • Collection, Visualization, & Transformation

    • 6.DA.CVT.01 Collect data using computational tools and transform the data to make it more useful. Annotation 6.DA.CVT.01

  • Inference & Models

    • 6.DA.IM.01 Identify relevant data points and use models and simulations to formulate, refine, and test hypotheses. Annotation 6.DA.IM.01

Algorithms and Programming

  • Algorithms

  • Variables

  • Control

    • 6.AP.C.01 Develop secure programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types. Annotation 6.AP.C.01

  • Modularity

    • 6.AP.M.01 Decompose problems and sub-problems into parts to facilitate the secure design, implementation, and review of programs. Annotation 6.AP.M.01

    • 6.AP.M.02 Identify and use functions within a program to repeat instructions. Annotation 6.AP.M.02

  • Program Development

    • 6. AP.PD.01 Seek and incorporate feedback from team members to refine the solution to a problem. Annotation 6.AP.PD.01

    • 6.AP.PD.02 Incorporate existing code, media, and libraries into original programs from secure sources, and give appropriate attribution. Annotation 6.AP.PD.02

    • 6.AP.PD.03 Test and refine existing and original programs. Annotation 6.AP.PD.03

    • 6.AP.PD.04 Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing computational artifacts. Annotation 6.AP.PD.04

    • 6.AP.PD.05 Document programs in order to make them easier to understand, test, and debug. Annotation 6.AP.PD.05

Impacts of Computing

  • Culture and Diversity

    • 6.IC.C.01 Identify tradeoffs associated with computing technologies that affect people’s everyday activities and future opportunities (e.g., college acceptances, career choices that include security clearances). Annotation 6.IC.C.01

    • 6. IC.C.02 Identify issues of bias and accessibility that occur in the design of existing computing technologies. Annotation 6.IC.C.02

  • Social Interactions

    • 6.IC.SI.01 Describe and use safe, appropriate, and responsible practices when participating online (e.g., discussion groups, blogs, social networking sites) to maintain a clean record for post-secondary choices that require security clearances and background checks. Annotation 6.IC.SI.01

  • Safety, Law, & Ethics

    • 6.IC.SLE.01 Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate content on the internet, and identify unethical and illegal online behavior and consequences. Annotation 6.IC.SLE.01

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