Computational Literacy in Preservice for Higher Education


Read about our many programs to support Computer Science awareness and education in our Preservice programs.




    • Every summer we hold a Preservice CS Education Intensive Workshop.

      1. Agenda and information for 2024

      2. Agenda and notes from 2023

      3. Apply to attend (there are many more benefits to applying as part of an institution)

      4. Apply for a minigrant so that faculty from your institution can participate and contribute.


    • Hear how Maryland higher education is building capacity for future teachers to be exposed to quality experiences in computational thinking and computer science for all. Come to the CS Summit in collaboration with Common Ground MD. Ocean City MD. 

      1. Special session for MCCE grantees at Common Ground at the Ocean City Convention Center or join us online for a hybrid experience. Details and Regstration coming close to November.


    "What we've learned" . Reflections from faculty who are incorporating computational thinking and computer science into preservice programs after the first national get-together in Atlanta in March 2023. Read the summary of the panel and view our presentation. 

    • We are looking to support ways to present to colleagues in many ways, Reach out and discuss your ideas!


Resources for Higher Education

  1. Materials to support studies to pass the 5652 Praxis Computer Science exam. Email dogrady at usmd dot edu to request access to the materials which are on Canvas and can be shared for use in your programs.

  2. Standards for Computer Science Teachers ( with guidance for schools of education

  3. Visit our Maryland CS Education YouTube site for an entire playlist of talks about CS education on our MCCE webinar page

  4. Classroom materials to use in support of education courses and faculty development (open Google classroom)

  5. Introductory course for Education faculty to introduce the breadth of computer science taught in K12 (coming soon from Frostburg)

  6. Materials developed by a Google grant for the integration of computational thinking into education subject area courses.

  7. Apply for a grant to support your teacher education program

Apply for a mini-grant to invest time to learn more about the computer science and computational thinking that all K-12 teachers need to know and add it to what your preservice students learn.  Mini grants are accepted on a rolling basis.

Round 4 RFP will be released in fall 2023.